I loved this hotel in Orlando, and spent several evenings peacefully sitting there, drinking a glass of wine, watching the sunset, and smiling at passers by. These, however, were both drawn Sunday morning, while I waited for my conference sessions to start at 1:00. The first is a little too light and tentative to please me, but it does capture something of the feel of the boats tied up in the picturesque little harbor and the style used to decorate the hotel.

The other is from one of the open cafes in the piazza, where I sat under a big umbrella, had a hasty lunch and drew this while I ate. Both are in pencil, 8.5 x 10. Click to see larger views.
Also very nice. The architectural details in the second remind me of John Singer Sergent's 'Ambergris'. I don't mean to overpraise what I know was an exercise for you but there's a quiet elegance to the scene that impressed me.
it's been amazing to watch your development as an artist.
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