My job change also means I'm in town more regularly. So on Tuesdays I scurry from Cary to a Chinese restaurant in Chapel Hill, and then to "the schoolhouse" with several other artists who practice drawing from the live model. There is a regular schedule of models, each with different styles of posing.
Tonight made three Tuesdays in a row, and some things were starting to click that haven't done so in a long time. I can't get in the groove if I only go once a month (which was the best I was doing with my other job).
Usually I do better with the short poses and struggle on the longer ones. Tonight I tried some different things with pencil and pastel on the longer poses and they have passages that work for me (and some that don't). I'd be interested to know what works for you (or not).
Above is a 25 minute pose. Below is a 5 minute pose, a 10 minute pose, and the two other 25 minute poses. All pastel or pastel and pencil. Click on the images for closer views.