Eh bien - c'est moi, Grenouille. Etienne is doing the typing, and using his login for this post. The occasion is the arrival, from AKUBA, the family of the sister of the cheri of Etienne, of this "lilypad" stopper for the wines. This tower which supports the pad (
en réalité a leaf of the lotus - view the pink seed box between my toes) is vin rosé from the Rhone. I have never splashed in the waters of the Rhone, but I have heard the vin c'est très bien. It was très émouvant for Karen to send this pour mon élevage et agrandissement. I feel grande indeed, merci, AKUBA!

On other topics, Etienne said he has received several ribs from amis who are fatigued of his silence in the book of faces and the blog. The cards of Christmas have delivered some of these ribs (he did not show me the bones, it seemed they were only marks in the cards). Etienne is considering. It made him laugh full of rue (avec regret). Perhaps there will be more posts? There have been paintings and drawings with no reportage. Perhaps Etienne is owing others a "peek"?
Au revoir,