Saturday, March 22, 2008

Abstract 16

They say that painters and writers are doomed to repeat certain images. Shapes and forms trapped deep in the soul continue to try to get out. I have this image of light and dark verticals, maybe a bit like a forest of tree trunks, that won't go away, and that comes up when I let my mind and brush take their own course.

The painting is warmer and brighter than this image - cameras seem to "blue" the images a bit, and the color is never as saturated with a point-and-shoot (even our good Olympus) as I'd like. I did help the image along a bit with some software, but it still doesn't do justice to the original. But it gives you an idea - let's you see another shadow of that image inside me.

19 x 19, watercolor and pencil underdrawing, as usual (the largest square I can get on my Arches hot press, stretched).

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