Another post I don't believe I ever published... From more than 4 years ago.
During Daughter's orientation at UNC Asheville this summer, I got to spend a few hours alone at the NC Arboretum. I found a shady bench and was rewarded, during one of those hours, with pencil and my smaller moleskine in hand, looking carefully at the scene before me. This is possibly one of the most beautiful mortis and tenon structures I know in NC, and I will probably draw it again, from another view, to capture the extraordinary beam work and the grape vines that create part of its walls and roof, on the other side.
Click image for a larger view.
I benefited from Oldest Son's first year at NCSU College of Art and Design - and the repeated admonitions of his professors about varying line weight. I heard that in art school, too, but I didn't listen then... He gets it much more than I do, and is using it to good advantage over at Hamjamser (which he also authors as Nigel Tangelo).
Here is a photo I took of the gazebo, back in 2009, from a slightly different angle.
Click image for a larger view.
I benefited from Oldest Son's first year at NCSU College of Art and Design - and the repeated admonitions of his professors about varying line weight. I heard that in art school, too, but I didn't listen then... He gets it much more than I do, and is using it to good advantage over at Hamjamser (which he also authors as Nigel Tangelo).
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