So I didn't get to painting until much later than planned, and I only did a few hours today. Here's the result so far. Lots to go.
The highlight of my day was that Dearest's knee was recovered enough that we took a walk - the first in four weeks that covered more than our little street and a bit of another. We walked over a mile and a half, and did some of our favorite streets. It was a gorgeous day, and about 60 degrees. Deep blue sky to the north, light on the trees, bright sunshine. We made a point of taking the walk, no matter what still remained of the party preparation. I have missed the walks terribly. It was a hunger like the one I get if I don't paint, only it felt more like a thirst. I had missed the conversation we have in the rhythm of the walking, the way we compare notes on things, share feelings, catch up. It felt so good it got me through the rest of the day, including the party, in a really good mood.
I love the colors in the cat!
I'm glad recovery has come to your house.
Summer - Thanks! The cat might be the only thing close to done.
Happy days. I'm glad for your Dearest's recovery. I can only imagine how the two of you have missed those walks!
And happy birthday to your youngest. I hope this day brought him much happiness with his friends and family.
steve, I was studying your painting and drawing tonight and particularly fascinated with the cat when I saw the fingers and back of a male hand, almost to the wrist, at the back end of the cat...wondering if that was intentional, I searched for other "signs" but don't see any....I love this painting and don't know how you do it, I especially love all those search light looking beams of light shining all over...I can't wait to see how you develop this painting...also noticed that very colorful bird! yay!
glad the day went well in the end...miserable bug and much activity in your household right now...the walk sounds glad your dearest could finally make it that far :) I bet she is too!!!
I didn't know the walks were that important to you. I was so glad to be walking with you again (but, I'm just glad to be walking at all (grin)).
The genesis of this painting was most interesting to follow. I love the stone casting part. I'm not fond of being challenged by virgin paper so, unless I'm certain about my intention, what I'll often do is scribble and erase leaving bits of things to stare at and that's when the idea takes shape.
I'm glad to see MLight is feeling better and hope the birthday party was wonderful.
Ah! Heaven. A walk with your Dearest one. Peaceful unity. Lovely. :)
I love the movement of this piece. The springing cat. The flying birds. It's great to eat Italian! ;)
What a fun sounding b-day party! I hope that your oldest is feeling better soon though.
I agree with Genie, the painting has great movement!
Lisa - Youngest is going to get his presents, a dinner of his choice, and birthday cake (not sure what he chose) this evening. Party yesterday was with friends and they did have a blast. Everyone who is sick here is feeling a bit better than yesterday - progress!
Linda - What fun!!! I did not see that hand at all, but when I read your comment and glanced over at the painting there is was!!! I've drawn my own hand many times before - though not in several years. But when I place my hand on that painting, I can match it up almost perfectly - life size - on the painting. BIZARRE. Thanks for pointing it out!!! I only intended to capture the movement of the cat somewhat in the repetition of the hind legs in several positions. Like the Futurists of Italy (Duchamp, Nude Descending a Staircase).
MLight - As Grenouille said in today's post, I can't get enough of you. The walks are one way I get nearer, and I've missed them terribly. But I didn't want to say anything until you could walk more - you had enough trouble of your own being unable to walk without my cravings mixed into it. xx oo xx oo
Susan - Thanks - and I definitely recognize your method. I sometimes begin a painting by doing large blind contour drawings from any old thing or photo - laying them over each other until there is enough to react to and find things in. It's the blank page that inspires nothing for me.
Genie Sea - Yes, there is nothing like it. Painting is deeply important to me - in my bones - but it's in second place to having time with my Dearest. Trying to balance the two is the hard part.
Leah, Thanks! And I'm interested in your thoughts on the finished painting, posted today.
So glad to hear that MLight is recovering nicely. Please give her my regards.
I love the cat in this painting! The way he's posed for sport is just so good! I almost always feel for the birds but in this case, I hate to say it, I take pleasure in the cat's hunting. Does that make sense?
Pagan - I think I know what you mean about pleasure in the cat's hunting. That's part of what I loved about painting the cat. And I think I deliberately didn't paint any features on the birds, because I just see them as game - not as individuals. Maybe I'm seeing them as the cat sees them.
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