Then I begin to paint, often with the lines, sometimes not. These were a lot of fun. The first I call San Simeon, and I feel it is the spirit of Hearst that overshadows the painting in blue. I have no further explanation or reason for thinking this. I will not try to explain the car in the foreground, or the perspective used to draw it. It happened.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Mountains Paintings - #7 and #8 - Paintings from the Dead
Then I begin to paint, often with the lines, sometimes not. These were a lot of fun. The first I call San Simeon, and I feel it is the spirit of Hearst that overshadows the painting in blue. I have no further explanation or reason for thinking this. I will not try to explain the car in the foreground, or the perspective used to draw it. It happened.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Point of View
And then I deliberately connected myself with the wits and heart of another. She saw the potential in the union first, an early sign that things were clearer from where she stands. She had to chase me some, but I wasn't hard to catch. I had been free, but feeling incomplete since I was about eight or nine years old, and in my teens I had figured out enough to know what I needed. I was looking for the rest of me. I had one point of view, and one heart; I was looking for that binocular vision that provides depth and perspective. I needed another head and another heart next to mine. I was looking for the right thing, but in the wrong places; she knew what she was doing and gave me a hand. That's what it's been like for thirty years. I'm generally close, but she's closer and I'm better off if I give her a chance to think it through and then I listen.
And while it has taken years to understand that her point of view is generally better than mine - closer to the truth, up above more clouds than mine is - I now know I'm usually happiest looking over her shoulder like this.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Mountain Trip - Paintings 3 and 4 - Grenouille Political Message
>>>> Appendix de Grenouille <<<<
If you hire handlers for your image, and polls show you are not looking good enough, and then you hire other handlers and they ask you to look yet another way, and then the situation changes and, voila, a new image, and a new message, and maybe yet a third set of handlers, you might be so confused by the end that you, like moi, end up sitting up in a tree. And we are suggesting that perhaps this is not a dignified thing, and perhaps dignity and integrity are important for a President?
One candidate has had one look and one message throughout the primaries and campaign - "Change, Hope, Unity - together we can do this." The words and focus sharper now than at the start, but message and image the same. Meanwhile the other has changed the image and message over and over: Maverick, no, Experience, no, Stay the Course, no, Change, no, Suspend Campaign and help fix the $ crisis, no, get out of the way, no...
And in these final weeks he is standing by, "We don't really know who the other guy is." Etienne has a Latin phrase from his philosophy classes in college that applies - "Tu Quoque." "You too." Etienne says it's the cry in debate when the opponent has actually proved the point they were trying to stick on you. We don't really know who THIS guy is. He is whomever his handlers tell him to be. Do we want a president in a tree?
Sunday, October 26, 2008
And then there is the fact that the kitchen is not just for meals, but also for flower arranging. We're not formal about it, but every year sees frosts or storms that cause an exodus of blooms from the garden, seeking shelter in the house, and they must all be put up in vases. Sometimes we have over fifty scattered around the house at those times.
And like nearly everything else in this house, the vases have stories. The Orangina bottle found in the stone wall at the top of Baou Ste. Jeannet in Provence... The patent medicine bottle found in foundation stones we used to build the gardens, which says that, "Children cry out for more!" The tiny cut crystal salt shaker we used in our first apartment... The triangular bottles which a neighbor gave us for Christmas, filled with home made limoncello and orangecello, which later made that month's neighborhood poker game so memorable...
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Cat - Circle 3
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Mountain Trip - Painting 2
This was the most traditional image out of the bunch. From here they diverged much more, though some are still inspired by the trip and our surroundings.
The next painting I have the line drawing photographed, as well as the photos that were combined, and the final piece.
>>>> Appendix de Grenouille <<<<
On the trip the family bought a set of French refrigerator poetry magnets. The youngest pointed out to Etienne that, voila, one of the first words on the top of the package, showing through the transparent box was grenouille. As Etienne quotes the Romans, "Mirabile dictu!" We are everywhere.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Mountain Trip - Painting 1
One Word Meme
1. Clothes - denim pants and jacket. Soft long sleeved shirts and sweaters. A red beret. I don't like shorts or the clothes of summer. I don't like being barefoot (too distracting), so I like socks.
2. Furniture - I can't decorate or pick furniture for appearance. Comfort matters, but I seldom get that right, either. Our bed is my favorite item, and, after nearly 30 years, we finally got it right.
3. Sweet - My dearest, whose smile, voice, touch, and shape are all joys to me. Everything else is a sad failed copy of sweet. But within that sweet is a very sharp mind, with a spicy attitude. Like a chocolate covered red hot.
4. City - I love so many - Small ones, like Winston-Salem, Lynchburg and Charleston to large ones like Boston, San Francisco, London and Paris. They're like people - all different but instantly recognizable. One thing that I retain and recall most about cities is their unique qualities of light. This is particularly true of Paris, Greenville, NC, and San Francisco.
5. Drink - Sometimes only tequilla shots will do. Sometimes a good beer with a friend (thanks, Alex!) Sometimes a really good wine, like a Muscadet (bottled sunshine!) or a good Montepulciano with a red meat sauce. I don't care much for soft drinks, and coffee caffiene makes me weird and unpleasant (for me and for other people).
6. Music - Everything from P!NK to Vivaldi, from Beethoven's Ninth Symphony playing in my head (everyone in this house has an internal soundtrack, and we compare notes - if we don't mind the contagion that results from sharing...) to Cake playing on the PC that sits on my art table (thanks, again, Alex).
7. T.V. Series - None. No regular TV. Hardly any watching of anything, in fact. Cuts off painting. My muse does not like competition.
8. Film - Spirited Away or My Neighbor Totoro, both by Miyazaki
9. Workout - at lunch at work I like to sit in the break room ALL ALONE and do logic puzzles. Sudoku and fill-ins are favorites. The Sudoku deductive reasoning events feel physical to me, like particular named climbing moves to lever, chimney, and friction climb my way around the walls of a challenging cubical interior. I don't rock climb in the corporeal world...
10. Pastries - Cinnamon rolls. Raisin bread. But more than anything, the yeast sweet rolls found in Italian bakeries in the towns along the Hudson River in NY. The water makes them unique, and they remind me of many happy childhood moments.
11. Coffee - Decaf only - see #5. I drink it unpredictably, and only when out. We don't own a coffeemaker. I will drink it black, with cream, with cream and sugar, and even iced - all without pattern. Sometimes I crave it. It's the most complex food (chemically) that we ingest, and I can easily believe that when drinking it. SO much going on.
Like the Pagan Sphinx, I tag no one, and invite anyone to play along.
>>>> Appendix de Grenouille <<<<
Clothes - do not be silly.
Furniture - voila - you have already witnessed my preference for tomatoes.
Sweet - mayflies are perhaps my favorite.
City - Nice before Paris. St. Paul de Vence before Nice.
Drink - Never inside, but it is nice outside. Of moi, I mean.
Music - I am indifferent, quelle dommage. But I hear well beyond the range of Etienne and other humans.
T.VSeries - Qu'est-que c'est?
Film - Marx Bothers. Tous tous droll.
Workout - Qu'est-que c'est? Is this perhaps the commute, when one works outside the home?
Pastries - A variation on baklava, using beetles instead of noisette.
Coffee - but of course, Coffee Frog has already demonstrated this.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Painting During the Break
I love to engage the edge of my compositions - so I always draw in and tape an edge. To me the edges are an exciting part of the shapes, so I want to know where they are when I start the drawing and painting.
There were several beautiful photo books in the house we rented - one on San Francisco, one on Oklahoma, and another about Virginia, among others. Those three, in particular, spoke to me. The photos were beautiful, and the shapes were inspiring. So I used images from the books to do blind contour drawings on the pages. After enough lines were there, I would improvise.
It was interesting to see what came out. In subsequent posts I'll show the photos that started things, the drawings that resulted, and the final paintings. I don't have that for all of them, but for a few, so you can see how things change for me. It's a process that still surprises me.
The mountains themselves, and autumn (my favorite season) were all around and inside me, and they came out repeatedly in the paintings.
More later.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Back on the Net and from Trip
I'll catch up with blog reading and commenting as best I can over the next few days. It's good to get away, and it's good to come back. Now, if I were wealthy enough not to have to go back to work on Monday...
But I console myself that it's labor that makes leisure sweet, and I'm grateful I have a good, rewarding job to go back to. I'm glad I could take two weeks off. It was one of our best vacations.
To those of you who read and commented while I was gone, many thanks. It was fun to review the insights and humor of the past two weeks.
Grenouille, Thanks for helping to hold the fort while I was gone. I see you made some good use of "the mechanism." S.
How marvelous, and incredible, that such different animaux contain the same types of bones. Le chat is Tamlin, of course, and like the brachiosaurus, and like moi, he has vertebrae connected to hips and shoulder joints, with four limbs and ribs. It is true that the others have tail bones and I have none, but tails, you must agree, would look ridiculous in speedos or any other swimming garb. Perhaps toads can have tails, but grenouilles? Non. And the lack of tail makes us more like humans.
But to return to my thesis, even the limbs are jointed in much the same way. It is true that my femurs are not as grande as tooth picks, while the brachiosaur's were the size of tree trunks... And also it is true the joints of chat Tamlin are barely joined, so he can be sinuous as a snake (and almost as difficult to dose with his medicine), but voila, we all three have elbows, knees, and ankles. Tamlin and the dinosaur, observe closely, also share that they both walk on their toes, while I, more like Etienne, walk on the whole foot.
Tails, toes - from these we perhaps are tempted to suppose that dinosaurs and felines are of similar habits and intelligence, and likewise humans and grenouilles? But, non. Humans are not half as civilized as frogs.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Happy Birthday to Moomin Light
What fun to compose this birthday wish which you won't see right away. I'm here thinking about your birthday ahead of it, and I'll maybe remember this post on the day, and then you'll read the words some time after that. "The mechanism," as Grenouille calls it, is a wonderful gadget, almost a time machine.
I can't express the feelings of destiny I get when I think of your birth, and of the lives we led that brought us together. I'm amazed I was so well looked after. It makes me a bit dizzy. What if it hadn't happened? What if we hadn't met, or you hadn't been born? That thought is like leaning out over a precipice, the kind of thing that gets into my worst nightmares. But I shake myself and look up to find you beside me.
You're my colors. You're my song. You're the greatest joy of my life. Happy Birthday, sweet Moomin Light.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Grenouille Economic Lesson Part 1
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
Art Deco Diners
>>>> Appendix de Grenouille <<<<
Au revoir,
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Grenouille's Own Voice
And it was a week later that Grenouille wrote a post on his own. Until then I had quoted him in the "Appendecis de Grenouille," and he had already been commenting on life etc. before I met Susan, but on August 8 Grenouille wrote the post without me. Since then he has mostly spoken for himself. We were inspired by Crow, I think, to go that last step.
So a toast to Susan and Adventures, Ink!
>>>> Appendix de Grenouille <<<<
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Visiting Tamlin
>>>> Appendix de Grenouille <<<< 
Some friends are difficult to visit. You enjoy their company for part of the rendezvous, but the rest is a trial. Or perhaps they are an old friend fallen on misfortune and you visit from the old love or (worse) from pity. Is it a pleasure or an obligation? We should all wish that when we are in such a spot we also have friends who remain with us. Bien entendu, I hope my friends will remain when I am old, I have tremors, I tell the same stories encore et encore, and I pass what reminds of Jurassic swamp gas. Certainly, they will have their problems, as well, and perhaps we will suffer each other together.
Other friends are fun to visit, but there is risk. Such it is with Tamlin. One requires a rescue troupe to intervene and prevent damage. Fortunately I am made of adamant (Etienne, as always with his tous tous charmant Yankee accent, would say, "He's a rock.")
But regardless, Tamlin is tres exciting... and hard to visit.
Au revoir,
Some friends are difficult to visit. You enjoy their company for part of the rendezvous, but the rest is a trial. Or perhaps they are an old friend fallen on misfortune and you visit from the old love or (worse) from pity. Is it a pleasure or an obligation? We should all wish that when we are in such a spot we also have friends who remain with us. Bien entendu, I hope my friends will remain when I am old, I have tremors, I tell the same stories encore et encore, and I pass what reminds of Jurassic swamp gas. Certainly, they will have their problems, as well, and perhaps we will suffer each other together.
Au revoir,
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Night Grilling
Rough schedule today - everyone in different directions for events, errands, local roak group's concert, etc. So we didn't get dinner until late. That meant I had to grill in the dark.
The plan was to grill hot dogs. But daughter isn't as keen on these as often as the rest of us are, so I make up patties (spiced, and with onion and garlic, of course) and freeze them so I can pull one out for her when the rest of us have the dogs. And I picked up two portabello tops, one for me, and one for oldest son. And andouille sausage for oldest son and I. More of those long red peppers I wrote about elsewhere (a Costco stray from the list).
I lit the charcoal using my new coal chimney from Weber. I love this thing. Instead of polluting with charcoal lighter fluid, I just burn two pieces of newspaper to light the coals, and they're lit faster, and without that petroleum smell. The coils inside, that hold up the coals above the burning paper, get cherry red before I dump the briquettes out in the grill.
Even though I was just outside the open garage door, it was still too dark to cook by sight. I could see shapes, but not colors. So I cooked by smell, feel, and experience. It was interesting. The coals were bright in the dark, and the camera managed to catch the lovely red glow.
The last preparations were to broil/brown the hot dog buns (we prefer potato bread buns), cut an onion (a few rings for daughter's burger, chopped for the hot dogs) and to chop up some bread and butter pickles for a homemade relish. We ate everything but one hot dog and two of the sausages. The sausages were good, but too spicy for son or I to want more than one.
>>>> Appendix de Grenouille <<<<
Etienne, daughter, and I were "hamming it up" as they say in this charming country, and having sport with the camera. Daughter shook her head as we arranged on this plate, which was created by an artist acquaintance. Eh bien, Chef Etienne, but I believe mayonnaise would be a more appropriate sauce, since everyone tells me grenouille tastes like poullette. And ketchup, it is tasty, but tres chic it is not.
Au revoir (never fear, it is not adieu),
>>>> Appendix de Grenouille <<<<
Au revoir (never fear, it is not adieu),
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