Thursday, October 23, 2008

Cat - Circle 3

This was the third in the series of circular pieces I drew and mailed to my parents. Like the anteater, they initially couldn't see what it was, then couldn't see anything else after they had the "ah ha!" moment. Drawn on orange stock.


L'Adelaide said...

It took me a bit of time to figure this out because I kept focusing on the little mouse is it? in the middle...then I thought no, and saw the head and voila, as grenouille says, I had it....hoping I spelled voila right? ah well...

Unknown said...

the use of negative space has always fascinated me. (I mis-remember a quote by a sculptor who described the process as "Start with a block of marble and take away everything that doesn't look like a horse.")

I love this kind of simplicity and I'm always amazed at how the mind fills in the details.


Anonymous said...

That's terrific! It took me a minute, too, to see it.

Steve Emery said...

Thanks all - packing rapidly for another trip out of town on business... The fun thing is that the mind first sees the black shapes - which are nonsense by themselves, of course. Then the little critter in the middle (a firefly, actually, Linda - but that's not easy to see unless you have the original) pops out and possibly helps you turn the thing around to see the cat. Maybe the whiskers help, too.

It doesn't help, I suppose, that when you take this round thing out of the envelope it isn;t even necessarily right side up, as it is in this blog post.

Life As I Know It Now said...

I love kitties even though we have too many and I saw the kitty almost immediately in this picture. Most appropriate for Halloween I think.