Friday, October 3, 2008

Unable to Reply

Grenouille and I will be taking a break from the blog for a few weeks. I have some travel and other projects to attend to, and evenings will also be full. But just in case you might forget us while we're gone, we've set up automatic posts. Grenouille refers to Blogger as "the mechanism." The mechanism will happily record your comments, though we will not be reading them for a while. We will read them all when we resume interactive blogging.

G and S


Anonymous said...

Happy and safe travels! Will be huffily awaiting your return. I hope the fight never came!

Randal Graves said...

Hey, he's gone, let's mess up his stuff!

Enjoy your time away from the internets.

Steve Emery said...

DCup - the fight did arrive but was tiny and more like just a mutual steam letting, with no real words AT each other. I think we'd actually blown off enough pressure in many ways before we left.

Randal - It was fun to be away. Our youngest messed up my stuff while we were away on a trip - he and dearest kept hiding my shaving mirror...