>>>> Appendix de Grenouille <<<<
Au revoir,
Okay - maybe not done. Grenouille, I will think about your suggestion. I have to agree that I would prefer a frog to a hippo or a giraffe in this case.
But I primarily resumed writing to say that I think I know what I want to play with for my next small painting. Maybe others would like to play with this, too - a sort of artistic meme? Please only take this up if it speaks to you...
I was daydreaming again about the Azores - a place I'd like to visit before I die. I blogged about it here (introduced to it by the design, at that time, of DebD's blog). The thing that keeps catching my mind is the tradition that before any ship leaves Horta Harbor, the ship's owner/crew must draw on the harbor walls "a flag for a dream country" and the name of the ship, among other poetical things... See wonderful examples and more of this explanation on the lovely Marina de Horta Flickr set of Joe Taruga.
What I plan to do is name my ship, invent my dream country, and paint that flag as if I had the sea gods' wrath to mitigate, as Joe puts it. I have some idea how to do this in my case - from recent heart pulling ideas and my childhood. I plan to just do it - not explain it. It will be like those paintings in Horta Harbor - speaking for years later to anyone who passes, leaving it to their imaginations.
My dear Steve. I just love the way you think and feel and create.
That you thought of our lovely brides is just beyond words to me. I am just so touched...I can't type another thing for the tears welling up in my eyes. How can I thank you for this?
Regarding the Azores. These islands are part of my country of Portugal and I have never been except on one tiny airport at refueling time over the Atlantic. I have seen photos from my cousins who have visited. They say it is not to miss. So many beautiful places to visit before we pass on; perhaps too many. That is why it is such a gift that you have to create your own. That you share these creations with us is also beyond words. Thank you sounds way too typical for what I wish I could say.
I would like to ask you if it would be okay if in a future Artist of the Week post on my blog, I could feature you? If not, it's truly ok. If yes, could I call upon you to choose a few images I could present?
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