And there is no better way to eat them than to all be walking along an old carriage road, eating pieces in turn, cut and peeled with a pocket knife. This is now a family tradition, and while one blade of my two-bladed knife is primarily used for carving walking sticks - the other is reserved for apples.
P.S. - Sunday I redid my gallery website, simplifying so it's easier to maintain and easier to tour. I added the latest paintings that have been posted here, and also a "Small Works" page for the little paintings. I'll be doing more of those - they were fun and I might even be able to do them on lunch break at work.
my favorite way to eat an apple too, although I don't know what scrumped is....if you mean pirated from some poor farmer's tree, well, being a farmer, I am NOT in favor but otherwise, totally in I am off to see your new gallery website! :)
Linda - Actually that IS what scrumped means (stolen) - but we never dream of taking apples from anything but neglected wild trees, on abandoned farms in National Parks, or from stray trees in roadsides and thickets. We have too much respect for the hard work and often poor rewards of the American farmer, especially the family farmer. But in the Blue Ridge forgotten apple trees are all over, if you know how to see them. Sometimes they have only a half dozen apples, so they're hard to spot unless you know the fruit tree's unique body language. And those apples are often quite different than domesticated fare. Quite organic by now, and the neglect, while not good for yields, seems to be excellent for quality.
can you core a apple
(had to throw my honeymooners lines in there)
I love the composition of the photo.
scrumped, huh? What a great word. Something like gleeped (from the 60s) - but that wasn't really was just changing ownership because of neglect (I think the legal time limit was 3 minutes of neglect before it could be a legal gleep).
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